Oil Paintings by Sachi Yoshimoto
“A unified relationship between color, design and form,
can always be found in artist Sachi Yoshimoto’s work. Her dedicated exploration of light, body and texture, renounces the norm as she boldly dives into the medium itself. With strong painterly strokes and gestures, Sachi stresses the importance of ‘controlled spontaneity’ and at the same time exudes a sensitive and thoughtful approach to the ‘Still Life’.”
-E.E. Jacks
can always be found in artist Sachi Yoshimoto’s work. Her dedicated exploration of light, body and texture, renounces the norm as she boldly dives into the medium itself. With strong painterly strokes and gestures, Sachi stresses the importance of ‘controlled spontaneity’ and at the same time exudes a sensitive and thoughtful approach to the ‘Still Life’.”
-E.E. Jacks